Alex DJ
Alex DJ

All Other DJ'ing

Alex dj's for birthdays, engagements, charity, office party’s and any other reason you can think of having a DJ for. The only thing that Alex does not do as we are not geared up for it is children’s parties. We do no a chap that does children’s parties and we are quiet happy to pass his number to you although we have never been to any of his events so there for this is not a recommendation.

Over the years Alex has been heavily involved with the Essex Scout and Guide network and is a keen team player in helping run the entertainment side of events including jamborees that have taken him all over the country. Alex's nick name amongst scouting is Albert so if you are a young scout, guide or leader and have herd the word Albert and Entertainment in the same sentence you have probably already come across Alex and never even realised.


Create Your Own Play-list

With all events Alex likes to invite the customer to tailor make there evening by creating there own play-list. This can be done by the customer or the customer and there guests. Some of Alex's past customers have send out there invitations with there RSVP enclosed and on that RSVP they have asked each guest of a song that gets then dancing. About two weeks prior to  the event send us the list of songs that you have compiled and Alex will make sure he has all of them with him on the night. Alex plays to the crowd so if he feels that any songs on the night are not appropriate he will leave them out. Don’t panic you don’t have to compile the whole nights play list as Alex will tailor make the rest of the list for you on the evening. This is also a good way for people to dedicate songs for people and embarrass an individual without even going anywhere near the DJ stand on the evening of your event. No one will suspect it is you!!! Unless you tell them!!

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If you wish to make a booking or would like a quote please call.


+44 (0) 1277 375937

+44 (0) 7852 156 016




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© Alex DJ